Friday, 13 November 2015

Hotel Babylon Representation of Race Through Soundtrack Practice Exam Question

When the character of Adam says "I wasn't always a cleaner" this suggests that he used to be a doctor as he just saved someone's life,  however he is no longer in that role. This is likely due to him being black, representing black people to be inferior and incapable of carrying out such a complicated and difficult job.

The use of sad, non-diegetic, violin as they are clearing out Ibrahim's locker suggests all of their sadness over losing a friend. It suggests that everyone who is a part of the 'other' is close and friends with one another, as if they are a second family to one another.

In the comic scene in the lift at the end of the sequence two characters from different races are clearly good friends.  This is established by the use of two very dissimilar non-diegetic music tracks reflecting different cultures merging together.  This represents the non-white characters in the drama as having a closer relationship with each other than with the white ruling class.

1 comment:

  1. Be careful in paragraph 2. Try to write about how non-white races and ethnicities are positioned in British society. Steer away from stating "the other" unless you define what you mean by the term.
    Where is your Lenny Henry homework?
